20 January 2009

what has THE D-7 Crew done lately? (Oct-Dec 2008)


Deer Mortality characteristics:
Crewmember assisted with youth hunt and collected data from 2 deer.

Development of clearings:
Cleared 2 acres while expanding openings on Perkins GL.

Building Maintenance:
Performed routine depot and site maintenance tasks.

Road and Trail Maintenance:
Hauled 82 tons of aggregates to MRGL.
Sprayed roadside vegetation along two miles of access road on Buffalo Cove GL.

Maintenance, Repair & Purchase of Non-Highway Equipment:
Routine maintenance on various non-highway equipment.

Scouted and dozed one mile of old roads & skid trails for firebreak construction on MRGL.

Herbaceous Plantings:
Mowed 2 acres of corn in dove fields on perkins GL.
Planted 14 acres of openings on Perkins GL.
Planted 4 acres on Buffalo cove GL.

Nest structures:
Checked and cleaned 28, replaced two wood duck nest boxes on Hunting Creek Waterfowl refuge.

Vegetation control:
Sprayed 5 acres of vegetation on Perkins GL.
Plowed 10 acres with dozer & bog harrow for Kudzu control.

Planning, Coordination, Evaluation & Reporting:
Routine office work, purchasing, and reporting.
Crew attended regional meeting in Marion.

CWD investigations:
Collected sample tissues from two deer for CWD surveillance.

CURE - Call Counts
Crewmembers conducted Cure quail covey survey at Turnersburg, NC.

Miscellaneous State Funded Activities:
Conducted inventory audit with staff inspector from Raleigh.


Deer Mortality Characteristics:
Crewmembers collected data from 91 deer at various meat processors.

Bridge Construction:
Gathered information for upcoming bridge construction project.

Building Maintenance:
Performed routine depot and site maintenance tasks.

Road and Trail Maintenance:
Hauled 30 tons of aggregates to MRGL.

Constructed 1.3 miles of firelanes on MRGL.

Nest Structures:
Checked and cleaned 32 and replaced 7 wood duck nest boxes on Hunting Creek Waterfowl refuge.

Vegetation Control:
Reviewed burn plans with regional forester and prepared burn plans.

Planning, Coordination, Evaluation & Reporting:
Routine office work, purchasing, and reporting.
Crewmember reviewed bog management plans with non-game staff.

Wildlife Diseases - CWD Investigations
Crewmembers collected CWD samples from 15 deer.


Deer Mortality Characteristics:
Crewmembers collected data from 138 deer at various meat processors, and
other hunter contacts.

Building Maintenance:
Performed routine depot and site maintenance tasks.

Cleared obstructions from .5 miles of firelanes on MRGL.

Nest Structures:
Made repairs to seven, replaced two, and installed two new wood duck nest boxes on Hunting Creek Waterfowl refuge.
Checked and cleaned 4, and installed two new wood duck, two bluebird, and one bat nest box on Thurmond Chatham GL.

Vegetation Control:
Reviewed and prepared burn plans.

Planning, Coordination, Evaluation & Reporting:
Routine office work, purchasing, and reporting.
Crew Attended Regional coordination meeting.

Wildlife Diseases - CWD Investigations
Crewmembers collected CWD samples from 35 deer.

Maintenance, Repair, and Purchase of Highway Vehicles:
Performed scheduled maintenance and repair on five highway vehicles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats all you did in three months. Id be ashamed to write it down. Good pi of Mike though, hes actually doing something.